Our book with stories of Afro-Latinx, Black-Latinx and Afro-Latin American to document the stories of success, struggle, and resilience of a community usually invisible in English and Spanish-language media. 


Identity can be complex for anyone to navigate. For people of color, who seldom see their experiences reflected in the media and benefit from limited spaces that acknowledge their day-to-day, negotiating identity can be an increased tangled endeavor.

Acknowledging that stories of Afro-Latinx, Black-Latinx and Afro-Latin American peoples are often obscured in mainstream news outlets, the El Nuevo Sol editorial staff embarked on a podcast project in 2021 with the objective of providing a platform for individuals of these communities. We sought to not only capture a glimpse of their life journeys but also bring attention to their struggles and chronicles of resilience. Through the course of the interview process, we met a diverse group of folks who shared courageous personal accounts of not fitting into racial molds and how they manifested their own lanes instead.

Fast-forward and our audio series was soon transformed into an online site. Now, the project has taken on yet another life via the pages of this small-scale but mighty book.

The collection of oral histories you will encounter inside were documented in English or Spanish or somewhere in-between. In diving into these narratives, perhaps you, too, can see a piece of yourself mirrored in their experience. (Click on the image to download the book.)

Libro: Afro-Latinx Stories | Historias afrolatinas. El Nuevo Sol


Tags:  #AFLX Afro-Latinx book Radio Nepantla

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Melody Soto
Mi nombre es Melody Soto y radico en el Valle de San Fernando. Soy amante del arte y la cultura. Opino que estos espacios creativos permiten que el ser humano se exprese como individuo y se desarrolle positivamente. Por estas razones me interesa que mi trabajo periodístico se refleje en estas áreas de enfoque. Dos de mis museos preferidos son la Galería Nacional en Londres y La Casa Azul de la Ciudad de México. ¿A ti te interesa el arte? Cuéntame en Twitter: @MelodiaSoto

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