Bilingualism, when a person is fluent in two languages, can happen simultaneously. According to a Linguistics and Chicano/a Studies professor at California State University Northridge, Ana Sánchez-Muñoz, “Normally when parents speaks two languages, the child can acquire those two.”
Adraina Rivera, a housekeeper, who speaks both Spanish and English emphasizes the importance of having cultural diversity and tolerance. Rivera feels like it is necessary for her children to be able to understand both languages. “We know that in this country, the more languages you know, the better off you are. You can defend yourself and help yourself, so it’s really important to know two tongues,” said Rivera.
Sánchez-Muñoz says that although English is the dominant language in the United States, there are many benefits to being a polyglot. “Acquiring two languages is really acquiring two cultures. It opens the doors to different value systems, different traditions and of course that is a richness,” said Sánchez-Muñoz.
Tags: Bilingualism Bilingüismo Educación Education Latinos Niños Latinos Sigourney Nunez