A majority of immigrant gardeners work as independent contractors but despite lacking higher education and special training, many of these immigrants own and operate their own small businesses. Gardeners have faced obstacles in their field such as dangerous working conditions, lack of any benefits or sick days, and for some, the fear of being deported. Some have no option but to live in fear in order to work, like Alberto Gándara, “We don’t have another choice other than continue here, we don’t have papers, we don’t have many benefits, in reality, we don’t have any benefits, we want to be here well then we have to stay like this.” Alberto is an independent contractor and tells us about the struggles in his route. María Gándara, Alberto’s wife, opens up about how her husband job affects the family. César López is an undocumented landscape worker for Villa Landscaping and explains how a formal company works in comparison to Alberto’s route. Watch how they deal with issues as jardineros.
Immigrant Gardeners in Los Angeles from El Nuevo Sol on Vimeo.
Tags: Alberto Gándara Álvaro Huerta Angélica Tapia César López gardeners Los Angeles María Gándara