"I think people are increasingly conscious that they have the power to decrease the risk of metabolic...
"I think people are increasingly conscious that they have the power to decrease the risk of metabolic...
“Today we have a battle against obesity that’s the war, we [trainers] are the warriors and as long...
"The trainers tell us 'who is going to take care of your health or take care of you when you get sick...
“Kinesiology students will continue to be key figures in implementing and replicating the program to other...
"I realized that helping people is more better than giving them materialistic things, and that's what...
“El grupo aquí es como una familia”, dice Yazmín Morán. “Tú llegas y miras que todos están...
El Parque Recreacional de San Fernando ofrece clases de ejercicio, yoga, pilates, spinning, baloncesto...
Editoras: Andrea Peña-Reyes y Nancy Cruz
Asesor, primavera 2023: Agustín Durán
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