The Camerons say buying a real Christmas tree is an eco-friendly choice.
Afro-Latina expresses the beauty in diversity
Abraham Laboriel
The Camerons say buying a real Christmas tree is an eco-friendly choice.
By SIGOURNEY NUÑEZ EL NUEVO SOL In a Deaf household many barriers can be formed and pose as a roadblock for communication. Simple tasks as talking on the phone, to calling each others name's, are not done...
By SIGOURNEY NUÑEZ EL NUEVO SOL Bilingualism, when a person is fluent in two languages, can happen simultaneously. According to a Linguistics and Chicano/a Studies professor at California State University...
By LINDA COBURN EL NUEVO SOL Entrepreneur Patricia Gracia is opening a woman-owned business incubator in Santa Clarita as a way to help other Latinas follow in her footsteps.
By SHEYLA SELVA Reactions to the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau from Nicashay on Vimeo.
El origen de la piña colada es Puerto Rico, sin embargo aún continúa la controversia por saber cuál es el lugar específico en donde se creó esta refrescante bebida.
By NATALIA ZELAYA A mixture of deli, supermarket, pastry shop and restaurant, Mercado Buenos Aires transforms Van Nuys into another barrio of Argentina’s capital, where customers can find good food,...
La obesidad en los latinos: un problema a atacar from Jessica Retis on Vimeo. Por CLAUDIA CAMPOS A los 60 años Noemí Gonzáles se propuso una meta en su vida y fue la de bajar de peso. Al principio dijo...
Editora: Melisa Valenzuela
Asesor: José Luis Benavides
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