Video highlights of the Food Justice Panel hosted by El Nuevo Sol and the CSUN club CCNMA/NAHJ. The panelists included: Roberto Oregel, Sergio Mortara, and Josof Sánchez.
Afro-Latina expresses the beauty in diversity
Abraham Laboriel
Video highlights of the Food Justice Panel hosted by El Nuevo Sol and the CSUN club CCNMA/NAHJ. The panelists included: Roberto Oregel, Sergio Mortara, and Josof Sánchez.
By CINDY VON QUEDNOW EL NUEVO SOL Juanita speaks about her abusive relationship of almost 35 years as if it happened to someone else. That’s because after escaping from her husband in October 2008, she has become...
By CINDY VON QUEDNOW EL NUEVO SOL From the young age of 6, Francisco lived through difficulties of someone who is much older. When his mom left to the United States for work, he stayed behind in El Salvador....
By CINDY VON QUEDNOW EL NUEVO SOL María had her first daughter in a car, without the help of a doctor or specialist. “There wasn’t light or water, or anyone who could help me,” remembered María,...
Por CINDY VON QUEDNOW EL NUEVO SOL Read in English here. Desde la pequeña edad de seis años, Francisco vivió dificultades de una persona mucho mayor. Cuando su mamá se fue a trabajar a Estados Unidos,...
Por CINDY VON QUEDNOW EL NUEVO SOL Read in English here. Juanita habla de su relación abusiva de casi 35 años como si le hubiera pasado a otra persona. Es porque después de haberse escapado de su esposo...
Por CINDY VON QUEDNOW EL NUEVO SOL Read in English here. María tuvo a su primera hija en un carro, sin la ayuda de un médico o especialista. “No había luz, ni agua, [ni] alguien [que] me ayudara”,...
Editora: Melisa Valenzuela
Asesor: José Luis Benavides
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CSUN Students Protest in Statewide Day of Action
By PAUL MAVERICK POLITICAL MUSCLE Cal State Northridge students, faculty, alumni, and their supporters rally & march for the future of public higher education in California. Governor Jerry Brown has just...