By BECKY MAHAN EL NUEVO SOL Los Angeles' youth are exposed to surprising amounts of crime and violence at a young age, and the county is attempting to combat it.
Afro-Latina expresses the beauty in diversity
Abraham Laboriel
By BECKY MAHAN EL NUEVO SOL Los Angeles' youth are exposed to surprising amounts of crime and violence at a young age, and the county is attempting to combat it.
By MICHELLE VERNE EL NUEVO SOL More than one million Americans are living with HIV. Many of those people don't even know that they're infected. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention),...
By KAROLINE STEVENSON EL NUEVO SOL The Valley Community Clinic has served the uninsured and patients on Medi-Cal for 40 years. Federal stimulus dollars and changes brought about by health care legislation...
By KAROLINE STEVENSON EL NUEVO SOL The city of Sacramento, California, still struggles with how to meet the needs of its homeless population. Churches and local volunteers have stepped in to help with...
By MARINA SANDOVAL EL NUEVO SOL Each step counts in making a difference in a child's education and Dream provides a quality education to children in the rural areas of the Dominican Republic.
Learn the Basic Positions and Terms of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu From These Photos Taken at Chris Lisciandro’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club By MORGAN MARX EL NUEVO SOL Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a grappling-based...
By MORGAN MARX EL NUEVO SOL Fifteen boys, ranging in age from 8 to 13, buzz about the small space. Their shrieks and laughs ricochet off the plain gray walls.
By MARINA D. SANDOVAL EL NUEVO SOL Children through out Latin America and the Caribbean are with out proper education. They are unable to receive an education due to poverty, insufficient teachers, government...
Editora: Melisa Valenzuela
Asesor: José Luis Benavides
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