By LAURA CAMELO Translated by NANCY OY EL NUEVO SOL “I only came because my daughter insisted we must get our orange,” Verónica Martínez said.
Afro-Latina expresses the beauty in diversity
Abraham Laboriel
By LAURA CAMELO Translated by NANCY OY EL NUEVO SOL “I only came because my daughter insisted we must get our orange,” Verónica Martínez said.
By JOSÉ SÁENZ EL NUEVO SOL The temporary ban on President Obama’s executive action has left many of the people that would have benefited from it disappointed. Reporter José Sáenz tells us how some...
“We are here to demand for the Mexican counsel to review Cinthia’s case,” said Martinez. “Were also here to for support in finding our girls.” By JESSICA CASTELLANOS EL NUEVO SOL En Español...
By SARAH STEVENS EL NUEVO SOL “100 Citizens is one significant vehicle for students to gain experiences that all employers will value,” CSUN Kinesiology professor Steven Loy says, “including skills...
By ZULAY SALDAÑA EL NUEVO SOL He would walk in the park in the morning and one day he came across a flyer that promoted a program that would help prevent diabetes in the community. The program caught...
By NATHALY ALCALÁ Translated by NANCY OY EL NUEVO SOL Peña said eating healthy in California is complicated, since vegetables and fruit cost more than a hamburger, ice cream, fries, or chocolate....
By Nancy Oy EL NUEVO SOL "I don't have a connection with adults or children. With adults, I feel bad to tell them to hurry up. With children, I feel bad telling them to run in circles. With the elderly,...
By SILVIA GUTIÉRREZ EL NUEVO SOL A first-generation immigrant and a second-generation American Latino struggled with acculturated stress at younger ages, but learned to survive and conquer it.
Editoras: Andrea Peña-Reyes y Nancy Cruz
Asesor, primavera 2023: Agustín Durán
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