The survey was developed by journalism students at California State University, Northridge with the purpose of learning the housing insecurity issues faced by college students in our region. All your responses are anonymous. If you want to participate or know somebody who should, please use this link to access the survey:

Here are some of the results based on a small number of responses.








If you were governor of California or President of the US, what’s one thing you could do to help college students who are housing insecure?

  • Make housing affordable around campus specifically for college students.
  • Facilitate secure year -round housing and free or reduced price meals
  • Provide dormitories for those of us who are trying to finish school but have lost their job due to the pandemic and want to stay in school to help us stay local
  • More financial aid opportunities
  • I would create a housing relief program that students can apply to that will provide funds to help them pay for rent while they’re in school.
  • Provide free housing so they won’t stress about paying bills while going to college. Many drop out or take time off college due to paying bills
  • Grant Money (funds) or lower tuition


If you want to participate or know somebody who should, please use this link to access the survey:



Tags:  college students housing insecurity opinion poll survey

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When a House Is Not a Home

Luis Mirón
Luis Mirón, periodista mexicano de la Universidad del Estado de California en Northridge, tiene pasión por contar historias de las personas en su comunidad que no tienen una voz. Luis busca contar esas historias en diferentes formatos multimedia, como pódcasts, documentales y ensayos fotográficos. Su pasión por el futbol lo atrajo al mundo del periodismo y en un futuro buscará también narrar y analizar esa pasión deportiva que él disfruta tanto. Mis artículos multimedia para El Nuevo Sol están aquí .

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