Friday April 25, 2014, 2:00 to 4:00pm PDT, Manzanita Hall 130. Livestream here.
Jill Anderson and Nin Solís will present their forthcoming book: Los Otros Dreamers, about young people who have been deported or made the difficult decision to return to Mexico in response to obstacles in the U.S. California State University Northridge’s alumna Nancy Landa will present her story via Skype from London. The book includes twenty-six testimonios, written in the preferred language of the contributor (English/ Spanish/Spanglish) and then translated into English or Spanish. Three stories are also translated into indigenous languages. A full-page color portrait accompanies each testimonio, along with several photos of the homes, families and landscapes in which these Dreamers are navigating their return.
Jill Anderson has a PhD in English with a specialization in U.S. American and Mexican-American literatures from the University of Texas in Austin. There, she taught writing and rhetoric courses and she collaborated with the Worker’s Defense Project on behalf of immigrant labor rights. In Mexico City, she served as Co-Director of the Casa de los Amigos, a Quaker peace center and guesthouse. This book is based, in part, on her postdoctoral research while at the Center for North American Studies-UNAM. She currently teaches at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, DF, and collaborates with Dream in Mexico A.C. and L@s Otr@s Dreamers Collective as an independent researcher.
Nin Solís studied architecture at the Universidad Iberoamericana (2004) and she has a Masters degree in photography at the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle in Germany (2011). She received the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD-Germany) and Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA-Mexico) scholarships. From 2005 to 2008 she worked for the publishing house Arquine. In 2012 she assisted the photographer Graciela Iturbide. Her photos have been exhibited in the Mexican Embassy in Berlin; Stiftung Moritzburg, Halle; and Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, among others.
Journalist Eileen Truax, author of Dreamers: la lucha de una generación por su sueño americano, will moderate the presentation.
The event is sponsored by The Office of Graduate Studies Distinguished Visiting Speakers Program, the Departments of Journalism, Chicana/o Studies, and Art, and the Institute for Arts & Media.
Tags: book Jill Anderson Los Otros Dreamers Nancy Landa Nin Solís